Tibetans have been self immolating in desperation of their treatment in Tibet. The Tibetan Community and supporters gathered first on Thursday 13 October at The State Library in Swanston Street, then the next evening the 14th at Federation Square. The next Wednesday another vigil and hunger strike outside the Chinese Embassy in Toorak from 10am until 5pm, moving on to Federation Square from 6pm until 8pm.
Photographs of the events are linked here via the name of the photographer, kindly making the pictures available.
Carly Selby-James LINKS - Facebook Galleries - Tibet Post Article - The Tibet Post Facebook - GooglePlus Gallery - Global Day of Action on Tibet, Melbourne Nov 2
Yolanda Perez LINKS - (to come)
Bill King LINKS - His facebook - and another gallery
Rob Perry LINKS - State Library 13th October - Fed Square 14th October - Chinese Embassy & Fed Square 19 Oct -
Fed Square 2 Nov
Carly Selby-James LINKS - Facebook Galleries - Tibet Post Article - The Tibet Post Facebook - GooglePlus Gallery - Global Day of Action on Tibet, Melbourne Nov 2
Yolanda Perez LINKS - (to come)
Bill King LINKS - His facebook - and another gallery
Rob Perry LINKS - State Library 13th October - Fed Square 14th October - Chinese Embassy & Fed Square 19 Oct -
Fed Square 2 Nov